ASIC Chips

What Makes SOC a Better Choice? SOC and Its Advantages

What should I know about SOC?

System on a Chip or SOC is widely used in today’s modern electronics and computing systems.  SOCs are available in a variety of compositions, sophistication, and complexity depending on the intended use of a specific computing system.

A SOC can range from one single processor system to multiple processor systems with integrated memory controllers, storage elements, and more.

System on a Chip is highly preferable due to its capability and power. Its design is compact which means less power consumption, better power performance, requires less space, and is more reliable.

Below are additional benefits of SOC:

  • Power usage is comparably low since all components are embed and connecting in one single chip. Lower power requirements
  • The design requires less space because all components are on the same chip
  • A smaller size means lightweight and compact
  • Overall and cabling costs are also lower since the media player is already on the display
  • Faster performance and execution because of higher memory and the use of a high-speed processor which is equivalent to greater system reliability
  • Better security design; hardware and firmware wise

Providing numerous advantages and benefits, SOC remains the preferred solution today and the future demand is on the rise.

Interested in learning more about SOC? Click here to view some of our previous blogs all about the ins and outs of system on a chip!

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